
Decriminalize marijuana!?!? Am I dreaming?

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I just wanted a few opinions on whether weed should be legalized or not? I believe it should.


Simply bc I agree w/ Frank, the gov't has no business telling me what I can or cannot do own my time in my own home...any takers?




  1. They should make it legal and put taxes on it. :D

    Besides, alcohol is more bad for you than marijuana.

  2. All drugs should be fully legalized and all laws repealed except for theft, murder, rape including pedophilia, or any attempts at harming others.

  3. Think it should be legalized -

  4. Marijuana should be legalized for several reasons, besides the fact that the only two other recreational substances (alcohol and tobacco) are legal but much more harmful.

    Marijuana has been proven to stop the reproducing cancer cells and provide relief for people that are suffering from cancer.

    It helps incredibly with cramps, nausea, body pain, stress, depression, glaucoma, pain from nerve damage, dementia, and relief from AIDS, and for many people anxiety.

    A lot of people who don't use it have the idea that everyone who smokes weed is lazy- typical stoner stereotypes.

    I have just completed my summer semester of college- yet another semester of college smoking weed every single day and my absolute lowest grade a B.

    If marijuana were legalized, it would cut down on a lot of the violence and drug trafficing in america.  People are going to smoke either way, but if the government would allow it, imagine how many less people would hording up in their houses selling it for way too much to young kids?

    Every year, roughly 80% of the people who are arrested are for POSSESSION of marijuana- not intent to distribute, or because it is imparing their driving or actions, etc. Don't you think that of the tax dollars should be spent trying to find murderers, the dealers, rapists, or other criminals??

    30% of the population smokes weed, whether you choose to believe it or not. That is a statistic. I happen to know some very succesfull people who smoke weed.

    It is SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN "The smoking of cannabis, even long-term, is not harmful to health.  It would be reasonable to judge cannabis as less of a threat than alcohol or tobacco."

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