
Dedicated or shared video card memory please?

by  |  earlier

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This toshiba laptop has 4gb DDR memory..and 832 mb shared video memory.

Will I be able to play games like counter strik without giving up the quality or should I go for dedicated video card.

Is it that much of a difference ?

I'd really appreciate some advice.





  1. laptop do not have expansion slots for video cards so u have to use the onboard video  

  2. With a shared memory video card you will be able to play most games except for games that require dedicated (hard-core games).

  3. The shared memory won't be missed since windows only recognizes around 3-3.5gb of memory anyways, woops just noticed you have a laptop, in which case you can't get a card

  4. You will be much better off gaming with a card. Even a cheaper card will outperform the best on-board graphics.  

    Here is and article to read that will help with picking a good buy..

  5. Almost any computer can run counter strike.  Unless your a "hard-core" gamer, then a graphics card with shared memory should be alright for you.  

    That graphics card could run many games at medium settings.  

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