
Dedication to my son - Nathan and Leukemia?

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Could you watch and give me your honest opinions, please?

I find that it helps to remember him before he was ill, and to hang onto him by making pictures and videos. Also, is there anyone else who has lost a child who could give advice on coping?




  1. i cannot begin to explain how beautiful that video is.

    you must be so proud of your gorgeous little boy.

    he looks as though he had the happiest life ever, and was loved so much by his family.

    my thoughts are with you and your family.

  2. That's truly beautiful, you should be very proud xx

  3. what an exceptional beautiful baby and so happy. can't really put the words together without sounding condescending or blase.

    life is so unfair.

    the photography is outstanding and captured some fantastic shots..

    i guess this is a way of coping, i'm not a counsellor but what your doing may help a little bit.

    don't really know what else to say but sending a big hug.

  4. I think that any parent that has a child with such an outstanding illness i lost my nan to cancer and i love her so much and when your thinking about him write a poem about him that reminds you of him thats what i did for my nan and the poem i wrote nearly had my friends in tears i with write one for you:

    You were my sunshine the light of my day

    you were the reason i smiled through the day

    when i was near took my breath away

    but now that your gone those sunny days have

    turnt to grey i wish you were here and that the

    illness went away but although were worlds apart

    the picture and memories will always stay in my heart.

    i hope you like it and im sorry for your loss i watched the video and it had me in tears im very sorry for your loss

  5. The video is beautiful and although it was hard to watch, I felt it was a lovely way for you to show the world, your son, Nathan.  

    It is a tribute to your love for this child who was in your life for such a short time.

    I have had my life touched my grief so many times -

    1989 my 65 year old father died suddenly

    1990 my 39 year old brother died suddenly

    1992 my 40 year old husband died of cancer

    1993 my father-in-law died

    1994 my sister-in-law was killed

    in 1995 I remarried and lost a still born son in 1996

    Making the video is a healthy way for you to come to terms with your loss - notice I didn't say "get over" your loss, because I know we never do that, however, over time we do learn to live with the loss of those we have loved.

    God Bless you and your family.

  6. Wow! Im so sorry first off for your loss. That was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. He was a gorgeous child! My grandmother told me that when she lost her first child to a heart condition that you never completely get over it but it will get easier with time. Just remember all the good things about him. God bless yall and good luck!!!!

  7. Fantastic video and tear jerking. I am so sad for the loss of your special little boy. You know you will be able to stay clean, it`s in memory of your boy. Well done you. I do not have any children, so cannot give any advice on how to cope. Look at my profile for a cancer emblem, you may like to copy to your profile. Many thanks for sharing your pictures.

  8. It's beautiful, and I think it's very important that you remember the son you had, not the son you lost, which I think is different.

    I can't even imagine the pain you must be going through, though the fact that my son has the same birthday made me cry - I almost called him Nathaniel too.

    He was a beautiful beautiful boy, and you should be incredibly proud.

  9. That video is amazing. I watch a lot of videos on Youtube and that's got to be the best one I've ever seen ( I'm not just saying that out of politeness either ! ) I like your choice of song too. Nathan's gorgeous. He looked perfect in every single one of those pictures. You must be so proud of him. You sound like a great dad so I'm sure Nathan loved life. It might have been short, but with you for a dad i bet it was very worthwhile. I haven't got any children ( not because i dislike them but because I'm 15 and don't want to be a teen mum ) but my brothers 17 year old girlfriend is 18 weeks pregnant with their first child, which my brother insists is going to be a boy lol. I admire you for being part of your sons life. I know so many people that are pregnant, some as young as 14 and the only one i know that's still with the dad, is my brothers girlfriend !

  10. Reed,

       That was beautiful ! I am so sorry for your lose but remember he will always be in your heart. God only intended for him to pass through your life and the others who loved him for a short time. He accomplished what he had to do. Close friends of mine lost a son at 7 months old. I was very close to the child. Of course that does not compare to being the parent. You will always keep his memory alive being the wonderful father you are. God Bless !  

  11. How moving My first thought was he had a short life but it looked happy and you can  see he was much loved  Be proud

  12. Hun that was beautiful little boy was also beautiful

    Blessings to you all x

  13. I cant stop crying. Nathan is absolutely beautiful really really really beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing that video with me. I will remember him always.......No words can truly express how sorry I'am for your loss. He lives on in you, your wife and everyones life that he has touched. Even mine. Here is a beautiful poem I wrote that I know you will appreciate.  You are the sun that shines on my face, you are the moon far out in space you are the clouds that holds all the rains you are the pastures that grows us our grains you are my rainbow so colorful and bright my one and only star that sparkles through the night your are the trees out in the woods my lovely little flower that blossoms and blooms you give me strength to conquer my day you give me hope in every way you give me will when I want to run and hide one look at you fills me with pride your no longer a wish or a beautiful dream you are so real a glorious reality you are the son that shines on my face an heavenly angel that God sent with grace you fill my life with so much joy you are my truest of loves your my little boy. (sorry about the grammar) It was quickly done. I just wanted to share a poem I wrote for my son. Nathan has not gone any where he is all around you. God bless you.

  14. Coping

    is all time...

    Certainly being able to remember the child's life before remembering the child' death is a big thing.

    You have to be disciplined enough within yourself to go on when you have no desire to,

    an gentle enough to cut yourself some slack.

    Don't ever expect to be 'over' your child or your grief; aim only to make peace with your grief so that you may carry it forward into a meaningful and joyous life.

    And understand that joyous may well take on a different definition than it had before.

    Forgive those who have never been  in our shoes their use of ignorant platitudes- they don't mean to be ignorant, they just don't know what to say. Would we know what to say, had we not been the one to bury their child?

    Feel free to let people know those same platitudes don't help, so in the future one less parent has to hear 'oh it's all G-d's plan', "G-d wouldn't do this is you weren't strong enough to bear it' etc.  Most other parents I know can't tolerate those after a while either. It's okay :)

    Respect your grief. You are entitled to (actively)mourn as long as you need to.

    You will always mourn inwardly.

    Don't ever let anyone tell you differently.

    Get pissed. Stay that way as long as you need to. It's okay, if anyone deserves to be angry, we parents, who have to stand and watch our children poisoned in an effort to save them, and then stand and bury them, have a right to be angry.

    Then, use your anger, let it guide you to defy death and misery and cancer, and to do something productive to benefit Nathan's memory, may it always be blessed.

    Need another parent?

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