
Deduct 10% & transfer rest to Nigeria. Scam??

by  |  earlier

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Im being transferred funds (not cheques which are a known scam but direct transfers) in order to deduct 10% and send the rest via Western Union to Nigeria. Anything fishy over here??





  1. ABSOLUTELY!! I have warned my customers over & over & have given out the FBI warning on this. Do NOT send them any money in any way. It is illegal money laundering and if you deposit their bogus check into your account, & spend any of it before it is returned, the bank will debit your account for the money & you will be held liable. You will never see one thin dime from Bank of Nigeria and they are just hoping you will wire them real money.  Please Beware.

  2. Dude back out NOW!!!! It will not cost you anything, but if you continue you will meet finacial ruin.  Do not do it!!   Google Nigerian Scam Artists.  

    Do not give them your personal banking information!  Do not send them any photo Id's of yourself like passport, or drivers license.   At the very least you are opening yourself up to Identity Theft.

  3. Duh

    Look up nigeria scam in google and you find all answers

  4. That is totally a scam.  Don't do it.  You will be in more trouble then you can imagine if you get involved.

  5. Oh yes.  This Nigerian scam is one of the oldest on the books.  Delete and RUN!!!!!!  Do not give OUT ANY INFO!!!!!!!  Nothing coming out of nigeria is legit.

  6. Some people never learn.

    If the money is transferred to your account, then you MUST have given the account information somehow.

    Go ahead, friend, after all people keep buying lottery tickets to become the one winner in millions. You might just be that lucky one.

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