
Dee Sebastian's voice?

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There's much praise of Dee Sebastian's voice among BBC World Service listeners. Am I alone in finding it odd and mildly irritating ? She always sounds slightly out of breath.




  1. Wait...that's just how she sounds?  I thought it was her failed attempt to sound sultry on the radio.  You are all telling me that she just day to day normally sounds like she's just ran up 50 flights of stairs to escape a collapsed mine, filled with a volcanic pyroclastic flow, where she was blowing in insulation while smoking a box of cohibas? Surely there is someone in the UK that can speak more than three words without gasping like a fish out of water.

  2. I can't bear to listen to her - there is no other voice that affects me like hers - it is as if she is forcing the level downwards on purpose - it does not sound natural - and the breathing is excruciatingly bad - she has a unique sound - but that is far from a compliment - I almost want to write begging them to remove her - she literally drives me to turn off - and I normally leave Radio 4 playing in the background day and night - thank heavens I now know that it is not only me -DEE SEBASTIAN HAS THE MOST ABSURD AND RIDICULOUSLY ANNOYING VOICE THAT HAS EVER BEEN RELAYED THROUGH MY RADIO - if you other guys want genuinely s**y and multi tonal and intelligent tones listen to Charlotte Green or Corrie Caulfield - please banish Dee Sebastian from the late night BBC studios - for the sake of my sanity ...............

  3.  Just read that she was a sound engineer, so she must realise how irritating she sounds.

  4.  I just can't bear it, I love listening to the World Service during the night but when she comes in, her voice is unbearable, it is as though she is talking at she is breathing out and at the end of the sentence fades into nothing as though her lungs have collapsed.. I just have to switch off, always. Someone must have told her, she needs voice coaching/breathing lesson.

  5. She's not a patch on Jill McGivering...

  6. It is slightly annoying- not a patch on the rounded tones of that babe out in Pakistan. She really should be a nurse..

  7. so s**y - it takes a real man to recognise it.

  8. You are simply jealous of Dee Sebastien's exceptional voice.Get over it.She is amazing!!!!!!

  9. Honestly, I assumed that she was a veteran broadcaster who contracted emphysema or something, and they were just being nice by letting her continue to broadcast.  To me, it sounds like she's sick and having trouble getting her breath out.

  10. She's got the sexiest voice on radio, it's a pleasure listening to her.

  11. Drives me mad too! Sounds like she has just run in from
    a jog but an unfit jog!!
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