
Deed/Title to house....?

by  |  earlier

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My mother passed away, I'm the only child and I'm the executor of her Estate.

I can't seem to find the deed/tile to her house. The house is paid for and I have an attorney. I will call him Monday.

The house is on the market.

Where can I find a copy??





  1. The county courthouse has one. You yourself can go to the clerk and recorders office and get a copy of this without paying an attorney to do the legwork. As long as it is recorded you do not necessarily have to have it in your possession. But make sure you can actually sell the house as her executor.  If your mother did not have a will there may be some additional steps to undertake before you can sell the house. A visit to the attorney is in order for sure. If the house gets a contract in on it before you get the estate in order it may be a mess. An additional call to the real estate people may be  called for to keep them informed. In most contracts to sell there is usually a clause that if they bring you a willing buyer and you do not complete the sale you owe the commission anyway. Hopefully this will not come to pass. Sorry about your mom.

  2. The county courthouse

  3. Just calm down.  The attorney can get it or you can get it from the county courthouse.  Not a problem at all.  Sorry for the loss of your mother.

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