
Deep orange bee digging a hole?

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There is a deep orange bee digging a hole in my front garden. I've never known a bee to do this, it doesn't look like any other bee i've seen. I'm in the UK.

What is this little creature doing?





    dont kill it til you know its bad...

  2. nothing raid couldnt take care of im sure  ......your naming it andrea??? id name it dead if it was hovering around me

  3. Trying to make a nest.  Kill it cuz others will follow.

  4. It's hive is probably in that hole. Don't go near that area.  

  5. i think he's gonna do a hive there

  6. Could be a carpenter bee,  in america we have different types of bees, some are solo honey bees, where they have no colony, We have some that make homes in wood.  Your best bet is to google the information for your area.  

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