
Deer hunting in the UK?

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I have heard that it is outrageously expensive to hunt in the UK,Is this true?I have always been interested in hunting Roe deer but heard that its to expensive and complicated for a blue collar guy from America like me to hunt there,all of this I have heard through friends and co-workers and I figure that I would come right to the source and ask here.Would it be possible to offer a trade hunt,where someone that has the access to hunt in the UK to trade for a hunt for whitetail deer and maybe pheasant hunting in Michigan,or some outstanding fishing in the great lakes,thats done here in America,does it work that way there too?thanks for any info




  1. Isn't hunting illegal entirley in the UK police state? They wan't to make sure no one has a gun and they only way you can get one nowadays in that police state is for sporting purposes but they have banned the sporting purposes. h**l, sharp knives over 2" can land you in prison for a year or two in that country.

    You'd be surprised that most brits are voherenlty anti-gun to the point they tell us to get rid of our second ammendment. One idiot posted that on youtube and after getting 500 or so angry replies he pulled it. But I can't blame them for their ignorance. My friends have told me that this is usually remedied by a trip to the range. You'd be surprised brits come to our peice of American h**l called Arizona. I've talked to a couple and my freinds have taken a couple to the range themselves. They are amazed at what one can get in a state not ruined by liberals but nextdoor to the one state which shouldn't be counted as a state anymore: Kalfornistan.

  2. The easiest way would probably be to marry someone in the Royal Family. The 'Chinless Wonders' seem to be able to do anything they want to.

  3. The answer from 'Enlighten..." fails to take into account the carnivorous alternative of imprisonment, enslavary, and battery torture  

  4. Deer stalking is available in UK, min calibre .24, with muzzle energy not less than 1700 ft lbs. Popular choice is .243. You can buy by the day or week, or if you ask around even get it for nothing. I have been stalking for years and never paid cash, just the odd bottle or haunch.

    Roe, Fallow and Muntjac are the most common in england,with Red in scotland. If you advertise in say shooting times or similar you may well get a 'trade hunt'

    Good luck.

  5. Scotland is place to go, I found this site for you that offers hunting trips.

  6. Go on to the BASC site this will be of some help.


  8. Fatefinger welcome to the dumbass American class. You no jack about UK law. If gun/knife ownership in the UK is illegal I must be writing this from a prison cell. My Beretta's and CZ/Tikka rifles must be a figment of my imagination. Rant over.

    Now to answer your question.

    Roe stalking is possibly the cheapest stalking you'll get in the UK. About £75-100 ($200) will get you a morning and/or an evening stalk with a DSC2 Stalker. Should you want a trophy this will set you back a bit more.

    I get my stalking through the BASC and a private syndicate.

    Just Google deer shooting in the Uk or check out and follow the go shooting link.

    You'll find plenty of shooting in the UK.

    Good luck.

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