
Deer in the morning?

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Ok, I go on exercise walks at around 5:00 am around my block. Every day, there are deer on the street and sidewalks, and when they hear me, they freeze, and don't move at all. These are HUGE animals like, 20 feet away and I'm scared they'll attack me. There usually in my path and I want to know what I should do. Going the other way is not really an option and I tried just staying still before and it took almost 10 mintues... literally, for me to just decide I had to go home halfway through the walk. Any advice on what to do if this happens again?




  1. deer are usually very gentle. unless you're talking about a buck, which is a male deer. bucks have antlers. deer don't. so if you see deer, the second you walk toward them they run away. but, if you see a buck (antlers) they might attack so i would not suggest walking toward them. you could bring pepper spray, it wont hurt the animal but will scare it away. also, i would suggest you go on a walk at a different time, like an hour or two later, because then more people will be out and not so much deer/buck. have any of your neighbors ever gotten attacked by a deer/buck? if they haven't, then there is a good chance that you wont.

  2. Take a whistle and blow it...they make special ones that frighten deer (like the ones that you put on cars) deer are scared of these high pitched noises...if you cant get this then just clap your hands and make noise, they will run and they are very timid, non-aggressive animals...yes they are big, but they are more afraid of you than you are of them...they freeze to "camouflage" themselves....they think if they don't move you maybe won't see them...just run at them and clap your hands!  

  3. They are far more scared of you than you are of them.

    Take something to make noise or a flashlight to 'spotlight' them. Once they know that you know they are there they will run off.  
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