
Def. a life changing question about marines

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ok so i really dont have a long period of time before i have to really make my descision so i really want to get the facts straight.

ok so not too long ago i heard on my local new [ Fox news detroit channel 2] that the marines had lowered the minimum contract length to 2 years in an effort to recruit more people. i know as it stands that from what i know all the actual lengths are 8 years, weather that be 4 active duty and 4 inactive or 5 and 3 or 6 and 2. so im really wanting to know about this 2 year contract and if that means 6 years in active in wich i could be called up during or what. and i also and going to have another question relating to the marines posted seperatly because it is not as important as this and its one i think i alreadyt know the answer to




  1. It's not new, not easy to get and it cuts your VA bennies too. Congress mandated the 2 year enlistment to all branchs in 2003. The Air Force and Marines are stingy in the alottments.  

  2. The only person who knows this would be the Marines service liasion at MEPS. Talk to a recruiter. Get your physical and ASVAB. When you enlistment contract is being drawn up, talk to THAT person. That person has more bearing on your enlisted career then a recruiter because they officate your contract.  

  3. You're right in saying all contracts are 8 years... Neither me, or my boyfriend have ever seen a 2x6 offered by the Marine Corps (and he's a recruiter so I think he'd know...)

    Based on the article supplied by the post above me its actually referring to a 4 year contract where you serve 2 years active duty, 2 years active reserves & 4 years IRR.

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