
Defeating my own <span title="self-cynicalism,pessimistic,">self-cynicalism,pessimist...</span> and my stubborn behavior?

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No self-motivation, how to gain it back?




  1. Get a job.

    That will take 8 hours a day.

    Sleep 8 hours.

    Spend about 3 hours eating and taking care of yourself, shower, laundry, housekeeping.

    Watch TV 2 hours.

    That leaves you 3 hours to feel sorry for yourself.

    Set a goal

    Break it down into smaller goals

    Make a checklist

    Listen to motivational tapes.

    Check things off as you do them.

    Find someone else you can talk to so you can check in about what you are accomplishing.

    Start where you are, do what you can.

    Get up tomorrow and do it again.

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