
Defence help?

by  |  earlier

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i want to eigther sign up in krav maga, bjj, or mma wich one should i do and can you explain every one of them and what they are about. and wich one suits better for self defence. im a kind of guy that likes pain and everything and like the most effective techniqe that would hurt others most i know all of them hurt but wich one most.




  1. Lolz...Use your kneeing and elbowing. Elbowing in the head will hurt like h**l. And if someone runs toward you, jump and knee. If you knee hard enough, you'll touch there insides and they might die. Its like the same thing as using two fingers and poking them in the middle of the stomach really hard.This is isn't a technique but it's a good skill to learn.Also, if you could jump high, jump on the persons' shoulders and hold them with your knees and one hand, then elbow them until you think they get dizzy, then jump and make a dashing knee attack. If your strong enough, it will probably make them faint. I don't know about your first question, but I sure know how to fight and things.Plus, if what I told you fails, and your opponent jumps and throws you on the ground or something, knee the and then do what I told you to make them not concentrate on you. If he blocks the knee attack, go trip him and then do a down dash knee attack. Then do whatever you could do to beat them.

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