
Defensive End Question?

by  |  earlier

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Can someone please help me out as to what a defensive end's job is?

For example, what do you do when no one blocks you, etc.

Thanks a lot!




  1. watch out for a pulling guard or a fulllback coming at you other than that stay in your gap when no one blocks you. if its a pass and no one blocks you, unless your supposed to drop back in coverage, rush the qb

  2. Defensive Ends job is simple!

    on running plays the o-linemen will try to push u out of the way to create a gap for the RB to go through! U don't let him push u and if possible tackle the RB urself! ur main goal is to try and close the gap then go 4 tackle if possible!

    on pass plays u have to try to get through or around the O-linemen and make a tackle on the QB (unless told otherwise)! on pass plays the o-linemen can't run at u! u have to run at them!

  3. Contain the play so it doesnt bounce outside. Push every play inside, nothing is supposed to get outside of the ends.

  4. if they dont block you mean it is a sweep to the other side your job is to get behind the o line and run across from behind to catch the RB (reason you go behind the o line because if the RB wants to stop and run the other side you are there to stop it.) If its a pass play there is always someone that is going to hit you if the o line doesnt hit you watch the RB/FB or TE because someones is coming for you, unless the teams offence sucks and they completely forgot about you.

    The basic thing is if the O- line doesnt hit you it is run to the other side and they are going to double the DT.

  5. Depends the situation but a D End has outside contain, rushes the qb and sometimes drops into coverage if your high school team has that type of coverage.  If no one blocks you?  Hammer someone!

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