The answer is as simple or as complex as you would like it to be.
Is God a phenomena of physics?
an anthropomorphic divination that is the sum of man's desire?
a force?
a state of mind?
an actual being?
an expression of psychological dependency upon a patriarch? get the idea.
Feel free (only if you hold the belief) to deny the things mentioned above and shun the notion of god as a being or as being.
For example; god is an excuse/lie that X and Y..
and so on and so forth.
Everyone is welcome to define "god" especially pantheists, agnostics, atheists, and so on (but also religious people).
I want to know some definitions of "god" that maybe I haven't thought of.
NOTE TO RELIGIOUS PEOPLE: please be concise, if god is an all loving being, than say "god is an all loving being." don't tell me what god does or doesn't do in his spare time. I just want the definition. Thanks