
Define ...RESPECT?

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Define ...RESPECT?




  1. Respect is giving someone the right to be someone.

    Respect is also letting that someone to be recognized by everyone..

    You may think that respect is associated with love..of course it is. Love and Respect could never be taken apart. Before you respect someone, you have to love that someone first because respect is one of the best ways to show that you love someone..

    The dictionary also proves that Love comes first before Respect.  ;-)

    I hope I answered your question... :-)

  2. respect is a way to show that you honor someone.. or maybe. you can say.. that you understand or easily distinguish your position to someone.. it can also be.. love.. you show love.. when you show.. respect and vice versa.. :)

  3. to hold in esteem, to admire

  4. Actually, everytime we are afraid of someone it is because we respect them. We respect their ability to let us know if we do not treat them according to the respect they (at least think) deserve. To respect somone we are not terrified of is the proper use of the word.

  5. Treating somebody the way you would expect to be treated in the exact same situation.

  6. Respect is when someone holds another person in high regard. This does not mean that the person respected necessarily has a character deserving of respect. But in the positive sense a person that is respected is usually someone who exhibits qualities that gained expression(s) of respect.
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