
Define active learning? why do we use it in our classes as teachers?how to incorporate it into our classroom?

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Define active learning? why do we use it in our classes as teachers?how to incorporate it into our classroom?




  1. I found that the classes I really enjoyed nad learned in was very hands on and involved.

    For instance, in my math class my sophmore year, our teacher would have relay races; each row was a team and who ever could sovle the math problem the quickest won. We did a lot of things like that. We also would apply what we learned to real life scenarios and even spent time building models using the equations from different lessons. It really helped me understand math more.

    Another thing I found, as far as keeping students interested enough to pay attention, was using humor. Laughing made the class fun, and a fun class is obviously going to be one you want to pay attention in.

    I don't know if that really answers your question, but that's just my two cents.

    Take care!

  2. For the last forty years learning required reading the material, lecture, then question and answer session, then home work, then question and answer reinforcement, then quiz.

    Has that changed.

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