
Define advocate?

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Define advocate?




  1. Someone who can help train a parent or student to help themselves. Or how to fish, and feed themselves.

  2. An advocate is often a lawyer but really in the special ed workd it can mean any person who is trying to represent the inerests of a child and/or his family.  A parent can take a friend, another relative, or even their astrologer to a meeting about their child if they want.  Parents often do this so they have some moral or legal support from a trusted person.  Some parents feel very intimidated by sitting in a room full of "experts." Hope this helps.

  3. someone who represents something or somebody to another but not on his behalf, but on behlaf of the something or person....

    for kids advocacy I like the following:

    A Allow yourself to intervene on your child's behalf.

    D Don't be intimidated.

    V Vocalize your concerns.

    O Opinions on your child's rights should be stated.

    C Continue to monitor all aspects of your child's medical and educational needs.

    A Anticipate resistance while striving for excellence.

    C Count on your instincts for your child's welfare.

    Y You can make the difference.

  4. An advocate is one who speaks on behalf of another

    To speak, plead, or argue in favor of, as in an animal advocate.

    Someone who speaks up for her/himself and members of his/her identity group; eg, a person who lobbies for less overtime for his/her field crew.

  5. It is like the person in the middle between you, your child, the teacher, and anyone else who is helping the child.

  6. I think many advocates just cause trouble. Advocates act as if they know whats the most appropriate for the child yet they dont. They  waste previous money in legal fees when just communication between the parents and school district employees should be allowed before all the posturing on the part of the advocate.  The people I work with in the schools do have the child's best interest at heart and an advocate is just a person who wastes alot of time and money. One child's needs cant out weigh the resources of the school. We as public employees we have to consider the many. Its a public system that has limited resources.

  7. Someone who puts someone else's point of view to others either with that persons consent (i.e. to a court) or because the person unable to do it for themselves because of some disability.

  8. Someone who takes the place of another, or stands by another, to get them representation.

    In Special Ed., families sometimes get into adversarial relationships with the school district people, and feel they aren't communicating well, together. Having an advocate, who can be a relative, provided by an agency, or paid, can be helpful to be sure 1) the family's ideas are being communicated effectively, 2) the family is not being persuaded of things without comprehending them, and 3) to explain ideas being presented to the family in language they can comprehend, and give advice, if needed.

  9. An advocate in sp.ed. is a person who is knowledgeable about services that can be provided and the Law (IDEA).  An advocate in sp.ed. usually advocates for a child who has a disability to receive academic services in the LRE (Least Restrictive Environment).
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