
Define angry?

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  1. an·gry (ăng'grē) pronunciation

    adj., -gri·er, -gri·est.

       1. Feeling or showing anger; incensed or enraged: angry at a rude neighbor; angry with a salesclerk.

       2. Indicative of or resulting from anger: an angry silence.

       3. Having a menacing aspect; threatening: angry clouds on the horizon.

       4. Chiefly New England & Midland U.S. Inflamed and painful: an angry sore.

    Angry is the fifth episode in the Weebl and Bob Flash cartoon animated series. It was released June 11, 2002. In this episode, Weebl has to babysit Angry Paul, Bob's child.

    Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


    This episode continues the addition of new characters with the introduction of Bob's son, Angry Paul. The main concern of the character Weebl is that of eating pie, while Angry Paul demands SunnyD, referred to as Sunny Dee, which he eventually receives with unexpected effects (Blowing up!!!).

  2. anger is one letter away from d-a-n-g-e-r.
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