
Define beauty and define ugly in your own words?

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For me Beauty is Women

And Ugly is s****s




  1. Beauty is a noun. It is something that makes you feel good just by looking at it.

    Ugly is an adjective. It is used to describe something that makes the world a worse place.

  2. beauty: is someone who is confident and intelligent. and of course the physical features.

    ugly: is someone who cant get their mind out of the gutter or are jealous freaks..or ppl who want destruction of other ppl..and of course physical features.

  3. Beauty is what I like.

    Ugly is what I don't like.

  4. One of those subject which are very hard to describe..

    Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder...

    Leonardo da vinci described it as a symetry,

    Studies having been carried on on very young infants showed that they responded better to attractive faces from strangers and disregarded and did not pay attention to "run of the mill" ( to be polite) faces.

    I think you are mixing beauty in its original sense with personality,

    Yes,,indeed a so so person can become beautiful in time in your eyes and also a good looking one can lose all appeal also.

    Do no know what you mean by s****s.........well what are they ??

    Hugh heffner's playbunnies ?? sure they are beautiful...not so sure about the personality and IQ though..

  5. I think beauty is more personality. If the person is kind and good-hearted, well then, that person is gorgeous in my eyes.

    Ugliness is deceit, liers, fake people. I don't care if you're mean or evil downright evil. Don't pretend to be kind. Then I'll hate you.

    Edit: (It's Nesmii b*tchh! ANTI JB). Lol. Yay! A twilight fan! Ugh. I didn't like Jacob all that much either. Edwards much better. ;D

  6. Beauty is anything that is pleasing to look at and/or be around.  When I think of a beautiful person I think of someone with a good heart, and an enjoyable personality.  And of course there is physical beauty which isn't as important, but it's nice when it's there.

    Ugly, is the opposite, not pleasing to look at and/or be around. When a person is treating another badly we (my children and I) say that, that person is being ugly.  It doesn't have to do with appearances (when we speak of it) but rather their behavior.

  7. beauty is when someone accepts the way they are and has a beautiful inside as well as a naturally beautiful outside (meaning no fake tan, no plastic surgery, etc). i think the most beautiful people of all are those who look in the mirror and say to themselves "i may have a big nose and huge eyebrows, but i am incredibly beautiful."

    fake people are ugly to me. i hate fake people.

  8. beauty is someone who is comfortable and confident in his/her skin

    ugly is someone who is insecure and feels they have to cake on makeup, stuff their bra, wear S****y clothes, etc, to feel okay.

  9. Beauty is when a person has respect for others as well as theirselves. Beauty is always kind but willingness to stand up for whats right. To me, everyone has a beauty about them.

    Ugly is hate.  

  10. Everyones going to call me shallow and stupid but seriously take a picture of an ugly girl whose nice and a pretty girl whose stuck up and ppl will say the prettier one looks better. Inner beauty is to  make ugly ppl feel better.

    back to the question:



    Big Lips

    High Cheekbones


    round and small  (not big but)

    large chest

    small waist


    Orange hair

    pale skin

    yellow crooked teeth

    yellow eyes


    flat chest

    and flat wide butt.

    there are more ways to be ugly and pretty this is just my absolute opinion.

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