define biological death, we should know what is life. On other pages of this WebSite (Biology, Astrobiology and Abiogenesis) I wrote that we do not have a direct definition of life, but from direct and indirect observations of the thermal state of the living structures, we can say that life is a delay of the spontaneous diffusion or dispersion of the internal energy of the biomolecules towards more potential microstates. Such energy state, or quality of the living matter, is impelled by protons in a field of energy. This energy state allows to some specialized complex structures to bond to a specific Energy Field, where they can capture the energy from the environment and use it for their growth, reproduction and evolution.
This definition of life is the more realistic starting point to develop the topic on death. There are many evidences at nature that demonstrate that life is not a super-energy, nor the divine breath of life (which at last would be something). The last idea is fully inconsistent with the own sacred scriptures. God breathes (air?) and He can breathe a mysterious “breath of life†into the nostrils of His creatures. What did He infuse to those organisms which have not nostrils but have life?
Life is not a divine breathe, but an energy potential (an energy field) experienced by a restricted organization of matter that cannot be transferred, infused, or introduced, but continued. Life only can be kept by the structures which have derived from preexistent living structures.
Unambiguously, life occurred once in our planet and it was an intrinsic quality of the first living single cell that evolved from a protobiont. After that, life has been preserved by all the species which evolved from that archeobiont. The first living cell appeared as the consequence of a single deterministic natural process. There were not millions and millions of archeobionts there, but only a unique living cell from which we all living beings have developed. Probability is the right word.
Probability is also the path of death, but this probability refers only to our ignorance about the initial conditions that activate the process of death. But, what is death?