
Define courage.?

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Ex. of what you think courage is and why and what is not courage




  1. Courage is doing what you have to do even though you are afraid, courage is about the management of fear, not the absence of fear

  2. Courage is just another form of fear.

  3. bravery, will and fortitude, is the ability to confront fear, pain, risk/danger, uncertainty, or intimidation

  4. George W. Bush.

  5. "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the realisation that some things are more important than fear." -Ambrose Redmoon

  6. Doing what is right against all opposition is the true meaning of courage.  Good examples include Joan of Arc, Joseph Smith, Ghandi, and others.  Courage is not bravado, as some think it is.  For example, doing dangerous things to try and prove one's machismo isn't courage; it's just stupidity.  If I were to say, "Hey, I think I'll try and rough up some gangsters with just a pen knife", and I get the tar beaten out of me, I wasn't being brave, I was being dumb.

  7. courage, to me, is my homie woodstock...

    who had a 7 cm brain tumor...

    and was in surgery to remove it for 18 hours, back in jan '07

    he lost 3-times the volume of blood in his body - at the end of the surgery, none of the blood in his veins had HIS DNA....

    in october '07 it grew back and was 2 cm - 2 months later, he did a laser-radiation-chemo thing to shoot a high-powered laser directly in his tumor... IN HIS HEAD....

    in february '08 he found out it didn't kill the tumor, just stunned it for a bit....

    courage, to me, is my homie woodstock... who fights this thing EVERY day and still has time to enjoy his day, ride his harley & drink a beer

    and don't get me started on his wife (shorty) who had breast cancer!!!

  8. From my point of view real courage is that attribute necessary to face and challenge our own inner demons. Real courage is that gumption to go face to face with your fears, anger, insecurities, and the voices of sabotage, doubt and judgment in your mind. It is a willful act of personal strength that you draw upon to deal with the conflicts in the mind and make peace within. Many people have fought wars with enemies outside of them. It is a rare kind of courage to take up the fight to make peace within.

    real courage also includes serving God faithfully...

    you can find more in the website down there...

  9. doing something unpleasant is courage.. example mowing the grass when it is high but the outside temperature os 100 degrees... making a mistake and then going to a person and explaing that your actions were a mistake... i did not realize that i was not attracted to you until the end.... or studying something to get a job.. when you know there are many others that are smarter and more apt to the duties then you. but you hang in there reading and studying and asking questions... ok gilermo..

  10. Overcoming fear.

  11. Two things - doing something even though it terrifies you, because you know it is the right thing to do, and keeping at a thing even when you are sick to death of it, again, because you know it's the right thing to do.

  12. Courage, also known as bravery, will and fortitude, is the ability to confront fear, pain, risk/danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. 'Physical courage' is courage in the face of physical pain, hardship, or threat of death, while 'moral courage' is the courage to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, or discouragement.
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