
Define golf betting game snake.

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Snake is an important golf betting game, and many golf fans prefer to play golf betting game "snake". I need a compact defination of golf betting game "snake".




  1. Snake is a golf betting game that bites the member of the foursome who has most recently three-putted.

    This betting game was suggested by Dr. Sean K. Kesterson of Brighton, Mich., who explains it this way:

    "(Snake) is a putting game. At the beginning of the round, all players in the foursome agree on the bet amount. Whoever three-putts first gets and keeps the 'snake' until someone else three-putts, then it changes owner to that golfer ... and so on. Whoever is the last with the snake pays the other players in the foursome the agreed amount.

    "I carry an actual huge rubber snake and we throw it at each other during the round, and it hangs off your bag or your golf cart somewhere. People look at others who are facing very long putts and make hissssssssssing sounds."

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