
Define "common sense"?

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As an atheist, I have a level of sense that's off the charts. xD So if an atheist, or a religious person, say "it's common sense", what do they mean? Are they talking about the same thing? Are they talking about what's "common sense" to them based on their own intellect, or what?

Define "common sense"

btw, I'm Atheist! xD




  1. "Common sense" means not over-intellectualizing situations and giving credit (or taking away credit) where credit's due.

    For example, should Coca-Cola be liable for someone who takes a 2-liter bottle of their product, unscrews the cap, superglues the mouth of the bottle to their lips, shakes it up and then suffers sinus damage as a result of high pressure, carbonated cola being shot into their nasal cavity and out their nose? Or should this individual be awarded the "Stupidest Person on the Planet" trophy and put in remedial drinking/eating classes? Common sense tells us: this person is an idiot and a legal audience should not be granted for doing something so completely stupid.

    The news of misplaced justice fills the media these days. Punishing bartenders for serving some jerk who consistently drinks too much and then finally runs over someone disabling them for life? Who's REALLY at fault here? Let's blame the pedestrian because if he HADN'T been in the crosswalk, he never would have been hit by El Drunko, right?

    I think our national sense of "entitlement" has gotten in the way of common sense. We're so focused on "what I want, what I deserve, what I'm owed, what I have the right to do and say" that we often fail to recognize the impact our selfish behavior has on others.

  2. As a religious person, Common Sense, takes it's words literally. For example, reaching forward to touch a venomous snake in the wild WILL get you bitten. Especially if you have no training on how to prevent that. Mostly things that make you say DUH. However, people have jumped from airplanes with parachutes that didn't work and landed. ALIVE.  My point is a hundred different people will tear this answer in a hundred different ways, but in the end, the words have a meaning unto themselves.  

  3. Common sense is rare these days.

  4. Easy one! Common sense is referring to the natural sense we are all given, although our ability to process information is certainly improved with education due to the mental exercise an education involves.

    This is opposed in every way to a sense of the "uncommon".......another way to say this would be a sense of the supernatural, which can only be gained of course by a personal contact with that which is supernatural. Since we have no direct access to this plane the only way our little time-space box can gain this insight is to have it come to us of it's own volition.

    "I chose you before the foundation of the world." (God to His children, the Elect in Christ)- We cannot find God...He finds us, then calls us, and we say yes or no. I do not have to guess which way you went, do I? Here is a comment to those who refuse the free gift of eternal life;

    "They are ever learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth."

    As usual this point of view will have no validity with many because it is based on faith in the Word of God.

  5. "common sense" is a misnomer. It is not so common nowadays.

  6. The consensus of mass thought

  7. commom sense is what you just generally know what or what not to do

    for example you go tot he supermarket and pay for your food and dont refuse-you just do it its (common sense) btw whats atheist?

  8. It is a greatly misused term these days, in my opinion.  Common sense implies that everyone has it.  I wonder...

    For example, I would think that common sense would tell a person if they wanted to be taken seriously, a picture of himself picking his nose might not best accomplish this.

  9. practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge.
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