
Define s*x from a cultural perspective?

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  1. people just have s*x because we can, and enjoy the pleasure of it....very few people charish s*x ,and ony have it with people they LOVE (for the people that do..keep it up..dont let people put you down)

  2. go with what you know

  3. From a cultural perspective?  Well, that depends on the culture.

  4. s*x is wat a MARRIED couple do to project their love towards eachother

  5. From a cultural prospective?  To repopulate.

  6. dont  belive in it

  7. Culturally to de-stress, feel good and pass on the genes.

  8. From a cultural perspective, "s*x" is more than the act of reproduction as evidenced by the fact that you don't have s*x to have a kid every single time.  We have s*x/make love/whatever you want to call it because it helps in the bonding process between a man and a woman.  Humans have delayed maturation.  It takes a baby a good 15-18 years before it could theoretically exist on its own, so the parents have to take care of it.  If the parents weren't bonded together in some way, they might just ditch the kid.  s*x creates cohesion between parents in a family unit.  

    At some point in the past (this is more of an interesting side note), humans started having s*x face-to-face instead of with the male "mounting" the female as in most other species.  Anthropologists think that this is either a cause or a consequence of the act of reproduction becoming a culturally meaningful event.  It is not clear whether face-to-face s*x began for some reason and as a result of the more intimate positioning led to a deeper bonding between the mates or if people started having s*x face-to-face as a consequence of deeper emotional connections.

  9. lol s*x in cultural perspective is no longer love between two people, its a perverted hobby that's abused and casually joked about.

  10. hmmm..cultural huh well the American perspective is the act of lust on as many of the opposite s*x or same and then be surprised you have an std and blame it on society for not telling you that if you don't use protection you may get something unwanted..grrr stupid people or the act of reproduction

  11. Biologists and biological anthropologists usually explain sexual activity as a form nature (or evolution itself) has to guarantee "passing the genes" and thus the continuation of the species. This of course is the basic principle, but culture gives it a unique twist in homo sapiens.

    Most people will start their sexual activity years after they are able to reproduce and years before reproducing. Most people will have sexual intercourse with a high frequency and through a long time period without any interest in reproducing and actually without doing so.

    Many will even take provisions so as to guarantee they will not reproduce. Many will continue to have sexual intercourse even when the female is already pregnant. Many will have sexual intercourse with their own s*x, thus avoiding reproduction.

    Some will choose to have sexual activity with only one person, some exclusively for reproductive purposes, some will choose to put an end to the heir of their genes before it is born, and some choose not to have sexual activity at all!

    So the main cultural feature of s*x in homo sapiens is it can be exercised without any need or aim related to reproduction.

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