
Define the Hawthorne Effect. Have you ever experienced the effect? Explain.?

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Define the Hawthorne Effect. Have you ever experienced the effect? Explain.?




  1. This is named for the Hawthorne Western Electric plant experiment in Cicero, Illinois. To improve worker morale, the walls were repainted a brighter color. Moral went up. then they switched colors . Morale went up again. In fact, no matter what color was switched to, morale kept improving, leading to the conclusion that it wasn't the specific color that helped, but variety and that the workers felt that management was paying attention to them. This was back about 1930. Today the effect is not specifically defined, since the results might have differing interpretations.

  2. The "Hawthorne effect" generally refers to the observation that people behave differently, usually more productively, when they know that they are being watched or paid attention to. This can happen in a myriad of ways, for instance, doing a better job when you know your boss will be working the same shift as you are.

  3. it's really better to give you a link:

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