
Define the Taurus guy?

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Please tell me about Taurus guys. What are they like? (Personality; traits. etc...)




  1. Love to eat. Love the 3 Stooges.  Very loyal, loves deeply but not romantic.  Practical, works very hard, skeptical of things like Astrology but there are famous Astrologers who are Taurus men. Likes dogs and kids as long as they are well behaved.  Doesn't like drama or chaos.  Your best friend forever,as long as you don't lie or make a fool of him. Sensitive to criticism.  Very long anger  fuse; will save small hurts and injustices until EXPLODES!!!  Good in bed-lots of stamina.

  2. good provider, sensuous, loves good stuff (you included).

  3. one word:  PLAYERS!!

  4. i live with one and he is a textbook taurus

    he is headstrong, opinionated, aggressive, extroverted, likes money and comfortable lifestyles, ambitious, intelligent, can be selfish, doesnt admit when wrong, melts with tears, doesnt show emotion easy, more gentle about s*x, prefers missionary to anything super kinky, loves food and homecooked meals, loves the outdoors, loves exerting himself physically, can be a know it all sometimes, but loyal (sometimes a fault cause can be more loyal to family and friends than significant other), the way to his heart is through his stomach, honourable with women, would never hit them etc, good provider, great with children, a big child at heart, loves to play games and tease, very approachable, very polite, s**y s**y s**y

  5. heh heh. Loyal, excellent lover, loves to please. that sums me up.

  6. Taurus persons tend to be strongly hedonistic, cool customers. They live primarily through the pleasures of their senses. This is the more solid and pragmatic sign in the zodiac. It brings a lot of practicality and earthly sensibility. It is very utilitarian and seeks real, useful results for its efforts. This sign may be seen as lazy by some, but that is because it is strongly motivated by reward, and lack of such prize for its efforts tends to drain it of energies. A chart energized by Aries can alleviate this.

    This sign is not psychologically equipped to deal with conflict and suffering, which reveal its more neurotic, sometimes brutal side. It does not take well to threats, to disrespect or to rigid or overly burdensome demands, and can be quite resentful in the face of these. This is much more a sign of love and pleasure, where he usually much prefers to dwell, but badly afflicted charts can reveal that more problematic side.

    Taureans have a great longing to something special, exciting. This is the grounds for the great possessiveness within this sign, as anything that's considered special to them is held dearly, fiercely protected. On this basis, this sign also tends to be faithful, and it is usually rather respectful as well. It is usually a strongly loyal sign, but only until it starts feeling disrespected or encroached upon, then the rebellious side can undermine this.

    They really hate discomfort, and can become quite preoccupied with avoiding it. These natives tend to dislike hard work, and often seek a way to delegate it. They are more inclined to seek occupation in fields they like, so that it does not become too much of a pain. Strong Saturn influences may aleviate these tendencies to some degree. Taurus is usually a subscriber to "slowly but surely". It usually prefers to hold back than to risk himself.

    There is some reserve in the Taurus personality, which is in effect a preservative and protective disposition. There is a strong dislike of unapproved external encroachment upon their personal space, which is very important in this sign. Taurus can be pretty good at keeping secrets.

    Most Taureans have a good, earthy sense of humor. Earthy humor is one that is keen and more sophisticated than just excessive silliness or lightheated joking.

    As of the neurotic structure of this sign, these natives may be emotionally susceptible to superstition.

    Taurus tends to love animals a lot.

    Much more at site below.
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