
Define these golf skills: cutting, hitching, chipping, and full swing.?

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1. cutting:

2. hitching:

3. chipping:

4. full swing:




  1. 1. I think you mean 'putting'. Putting is when you are on the putting surface, and you use the putter to roll the ball into the hole. The ball doesn't go in the air very much, it just rolls along the putting surface (green).

    2. I think you mean 'pitching'... Pitching is a type of shot where you usually use a more lofted club (9-iron/Pitching Wedge/Sand Wedge/Lob wedge) and take the club back to knee to hip hight and hit the ball then follow through about the same distance as your backswing. This is useful if you want to hit a higher shot with more spin, to get the ball to stop faster.

    3. Chipping: Chipping is pretty much a miniature version of the chip shot, and you use probably about a 6-iron to a PW, depending how much roll you want on your shot.

    4. Full swing: Full swing is when you want to make a club go about as far as it can go. When you make a full swing your hands usually go back about twice as far as a pitch shot, and you accelerate on your downswing to a full finish and keep your balance.

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