
Define what civilization means to you and what would its ending bring to our world?

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Your answer will not be based on "correctness" of definition, but rather upon the creativity, thoughtfulness, and effort.

Most of you guys probably don't even have the slightest clue how much this means to me.

Thanks you very much.




  1. Civilization is a form of human culture in which many people live in urban centers, have mastered the art of smelting metals, and have developed a method of writing.

        The first civilizations began in cities, which were larger, more populated, and more complex in their political, economic and social structure than Neolithic villages.

        One definition of civilization requires that a civilized people have a sense of history -- meaning that the past counts in the present.

    The Oxford English Dictionary defines civilization as "the action or process of civilizing or of being civilized; a developed or advanced state of human society." Such a definition is fraught with difficulties. For instance, how might we correctly identify a "developed or advanced state of human society"? Developed or advanced compared to what? The OED defines the verb "to civilize" in the following way: "to make civil; to bring out of a state of barbarism; to instruct in the arts of life; to enlighten; to refine and polish.

    As for the end of civilization, well its just that isn't it the end of civilization is the beginning of anarchy and chaos...

  2. civilization for me is the people itself being refined from its own tradition, from himself and from his actions. most of us mislead to think that civilizations is the newly improved technology, the highly built buildings, the more systematic processes in our society,, but for me, it is the people who look beyond and strive for more.

  3. Civilization is synonymous with electricity.  Without electricity there could be no civilization.

    Think of all the ways electricity affects your life.  Without it you would be squatting around a fire burning the dinner you were fortunate enough to have caught.  

    Without electricity you would be walking everywhere you want to go.  You would be making and burning reed torches to be able to see at night or in your cave.

    You would not have a television or a computer.  You would be constantly fatigued due to always having to chase down your next meal.

    I could go on and on citing the examples of your miserable life without electricity.

  4. to me, civilisation is the ability to work with others for the better.

    courtsey, appreciation, team work.

    withouth civilasation, we would be stuck in and end less loop of greed and turmoil. no one could do anythign abotu it either because no on could work together.

    ...but thats just my humble opinion

  5. To me civilization is a "collection" of beings(whether human or animal) surviving in an enviornment on a unified level(even with the most disturbing antics and tactics).

    The "ending" of civilization is probably needed. It would only bring something different, new and possibly better.

    i.e.-when the forest burns(naturally)--it burning revitalizes the earth and new trees grow, bigger,stronger, more fruitful.

  6. civillization is a virus, h**l humans are virusis, they take advantage of their host(earth) and suck it dry, we take more than we need. admit it! do you need that new shirt? no! or that cookie you just ate? no! animals don´t , that´s one reason their so great. they only take what they need out of this earth.

    it´s ending might help heal the planet from global warming, and all that c**p we´ve already done to this planet. and bring back at least part of the balance of nature. I feel bad being suck a virus, but what can we do?

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