
Defining a franchise?

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So ESPN recently had a vote, and everyone had the opportunity to vote for the one player that defined their team throughout history. For example the Montana won for the Niners, Favre for GB, Brady for NE, and so forth. My question is who do you think won for the Ravens? The answer surprised me, I assumed it would be Ray Lewis, but Ravens fans thought otherwise. They picked Matt Stover. How do you feel about this? good choice? my opinion is that Baltimore fans are kinda dumb.




  1. I'm with you, I would have to say it is Ray Lewis as well. Maybe they said Matt Stover because his leg was relied on to score a large amount of the teams points through the season because for half of that season the Ravens offense was unable to score touchdowns. That's the only logical explaination that I could come up with.

  2. I was shocked by that to! The only thing I can think of is he has been with the Ravens since they started back in 98!
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