
Definite negative pregnancy test any more reasons why my period hasn't started?

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due last week not stressed took test and its definately negative just looking for suggestions!!! shall i go to see the doctor to make sure its nothing serious?? my youngest child is nearly 10 months old!!!




  1. Recovery from pregnancy can take the body a full year to do, and during that time it's perfectly normal to have odd things happen during the hormonal cycle.  If you have had regular periods for several months, consider yourself lucky.   Sometimes hormonal hiccups just happen, and nobody ever figures out what went wrong.  It sorts itself out, without aid and assistance.  If you have been sick at all in the past month, that can do it.  If you had a vaginal infection, a stomach virus, or anything- that can do the trick.  It's not always just stress related.  Unless you skip a second cycle, the doctor isn't going to do much of anything except counsel you to be patient.   In most cases, the delayed period will catch up with you, and you can expect it to be heavy and clotty, possibly quite crampy as well.  If you skip a second cycle, then it's time to visit the doctor.  Until then, you do best to just wait and see.   The law of the universe says it should arrive when it is least expected and least welcome.  That's what usually happens.

  2. Hormones. It can take awhile before your body is back on it's regular cycle after giving birth. Yes, your child is almost 10 months old, but it can take over a year to go back to normal, especially if you've nursed or if you've been ill within this time period. Don't panic. I am sure you are just fine.

    If you are still concerned, you can always call the nurse or doctor to get their opinion on what you should do. They may want to see you, to make certain everything is okay- and that's alright. Do what you feel is best.

  3. well...maybe your period is starting late or changing due to the change in the seasons...i heard that it is possible for your period to change when the seasons/weather changes. sorry i've only had my period for about 3 years !?

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