
Definitely a matter of opinion but which bit please??

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I am about to bring my Welsh cross back into work after having some time off (he'll be 16 April fools day) He has always been a strong chap but i have just put up with this as it has never been dangerous (he doesn'y just run off, but can be a little tough to slow down once he is off!) Cant help but think that i should have changed his bits some time ago though. He is pretty much just ridden in an eggbutt snaffle, apart from competitions when i put him in double reins and a pelham. I dont really want to have to ride him in anything too strong on a daily basis but does anyone have experience with other types of snaffles? eg, a hangin cheek, french link (suggested to me). Would have to be allowed in Dressage (prelim and novice) He is heavy with his head so id like him more light and he cant be bothered to go onto the bit in walk- other gaits are ok, ish! Also i need a more controlling bit for X Country.. ideas please!!!




  1. It doesn't sound to me as though you're looking to beef up control through a bit - it sounds like you are of the opinion that your horse isn't happy in your current bit.  In my opinion, that is a fine reason to switch bits.  I would try a kimberwicke, or possibly a French link.  See which he likes better.  For XC, you might try an elevator on the mildest setting, at least until you have been able to do more training with him.  I would not use martingales or draw reins - it's likely that they could make the problem worse.

    He may be leaning on the bit for any number of reasons.  The main things that come to mind is it's your hands/riding style, and also possibly a lack of proper muscle development in your horse.  Continue with the training as you have been planning, and if possible have some other people ride him, too, to see if he still leans as much.  There isn't really any device or bit that will stop a leaner from leaning, but it is definetely possible that the leaning can be reduced by changing to a bit that he finds more comfortable.  Every horse's mouth and teeth are shaped differently, so it really does pay to switch things up a bit if you feel your horse is not as comfortable as he could be.

  2. Hi,

    I'm not sure if this bit is used in dressage, but i would DEFIANTLY suggest it...its called a Kimberwick snaffle, i swear by this bit. It has the control of the kimberwick, but the gentleness of a snaffle.  

  3. Well

    I don't think that the problem is the bit. Often people change bits to try to fix a training problem or something like that. At 16 i think your horse is probably going really well in the eggbutt excepy when going quickly.

    I think you should do some work with him with halt to walk/trot transitions and back to walk and then move on to canter and then do gallop to canter/trot

    i really think this is just a problem that you need practice stopping with him and work on getting his mouth softer and him more responsive

    I'm not saying that for cross country you shouldn't look for a bit of a stronger bit though because i know my horse gets quite wild out there!!! try an elevator - snaffle bit it'll work for a replacement too if you want it!

    also a standing martinggale may do the trick for his head

  4.   Lisawo is correct. With the proper training a snaffle will work in most situations. Get the horse supple and soft mouthed first.

  5. I have had the same experience many times. I use a one rein stop to teach horses to listen to stopping better. Here are the steps:

    1. Give your horse loose rein

    2. Slide one hand down the rein and pull towards your hip

    3. WHen they give tot he pressure and release

    4. Do this a billion times on each side.

    Email me at for more details

    Hope this helps.

  6. now the question is not "how do i put a bigger bit on my horse to MAKE it do what i want" the question is "what do i think is wrong with my horse to make him run off" check his saddle fits, check he has no pain, get him vetted, teach him a one rein stop do parelli i can think of a mountain of things to do besides put a bigger bit in.

  7. I usually ride horses that sound like yours.  I swear by a broken full-cheek (USE YOUR KEEPERS!  I hate it when people use full-cheeks with no keepers) or a racer D-ring snaffle.  Combo with a figure-8 noseband.  You could try a running martingale or side-reins for housework, but the less gear hanging off him the better.  Kimberwick is good too, but use all it's features or you might as well be using a snaffle.

    I'm not going to give you the lecture about "it's not the bit" and all that.  It sounds like you have sufficient knowledge of what your doing.

  8. I agree that changing the bit isnt really the best way to fix problems, but considering your horse is 16 i would maybe give the french link a try, its not super harsh but it will give you more control than with the egg butt... i really wouldnt put anything harsher in his mouth, you dont want him to get even more iron-mouthed.  

  9. Have you tried a thinner snaffle bit? This will put the pressure more in one spot on the bars rather than distributed with a wide eggbut.

    If he puts his head up to avoid your hands - try a pair of side reins. He will learn to keep his head down and listen a bit better.

    Also letting them get in a good gallop once in a while or a round of lunging for 20 mins before you ride can reduce the " ya ya's".

    Sounds like he knows the difference from the pelham and the eggbut...

  10. A jointed kimblewick would be good for most things and if you get one with the holes in the rings even better.  Unfortunately the only bit used in dressage is the snaffle or double bridle.

    However, a lot of horses are difficult to stop because they are unbalanced and perhaps you need to do more schooling on the flat.  Plenty of half halts, turns, circles etc and trotting poles to help get a steady, elevated stride.

  11. Hi You could try a thin french link bradoon snaffle, Its what i used on my arab to gain a bit more contol and also a martingale, not sure what country your in but your local tack shop like horseland or something like that can advise you for free, I am always bothering my local horseland employees, they are all horse industry professionals so know what's what!!

    Good luck!!

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