
Definition of Open Source?

by Guest31816  |  earlier

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Could someone please give me a simple layman's definition/explanation for Open Source?

Thank you.




  1. When all you are provided for free is the executable (no source code) it is called "freeware".  If you are asked to provide a voluntary payment if you use the executable it is called "shareware".

    If you are provided both the executable and source code to use, it is "Open Source".  Don't confuse this with either freeware or shareware.  Since you are provided the source code, you can make changes and re-compile and then provide this to all.  You are free to use, modify, and re-distribute the Open Source SW (OSS) and also to charge a fee for this new version.  That's why you should NOT confuse Open Source with freeware.  

    See which has a good discussion of these issues.  BTW I have taught this to my undergrad Software Engineering course at university.



  2. its programrs in which the programmer provide the user with the source code ( the programing code of the program) and that enables the user to modify the program to meet his needs but on the other hand it might not be as profitable as the commercial programs.

    examples are linux, open office ..etc

  3. My definition would be a program that is free to the public, but also the source code (or coding used to write the program) is also available for free, allowing anyone who wants to modify it to do so. says:

    A method and philosophy for software licensing and distribution designed to encourage use and improvement of software written by volunteers by ensuring that anyone can copy the source code and modify it freely.

  4. Here's some relevant info:

  5. It means that the source code for a program is available to everyone A similar term, Free Software (free as in speech) means that you are allowed to personally edit the source code of the program freely as long as you let everyone else edit what you made.

  6. it computer lingo its source code is open so that anyone can change without anyone permission. as long as they credit the source and note that you have made your own changes.

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