
Definition of frame by frame animation?

by Guest67154  |  earlier

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(if you can put the answer please put it... don't put S**t websites thx..)




  1. Like the name says, frame by frame animation is any type of animation where the movement is created, manipulated and controlled frame by frame. For example, stop motion animation is frame by frame animation, since you must move a physical object, take a picture to capture the frame, then move the object again before taking the next picture. Hand drawn animation where a new drawing is created for each frame (or every other frame) is frame by frame animation. Digital animation such as Flash animation that uses tweening is not frame be frame since the way tweening works is you pick a beginning and end frame for any particular movement and the computer fills in all the movement for the frames inbetween the beginning and end frames you've chosen (thus the term, "tweening").

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