
Degu Cage Trouble?

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I want to get a degu but Im not sure what cage to get. Here is the to cage links IF THIS ONE I CAN GET EXPANSIONS.




  1. Well I noticed your prices are about 80.00 or so, but if you earn up a little bit more money to about 100.00 then I would say neither actually and I would go for this...

    But if you had to choose one the first even though plastic for all 3 isn't the best for degus or most pets! The habitat of the degus is in burrows in mostly open country, mountains, savannas, and swamps. They try to avoid low-land rain forests. The geographic range of the degus is in the Andes, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile so the like to climb so 1 if you had to choose out of those.

  2. I would actually go for something bigger.

  3. First off Degus are sweet, I had 2 of them and they're real cool.

    #1 Cage should have no plastic, theyll bite through it within a week

    #2 Multiple levels, they love to climb its what they do their native to a mountain environment in Chile

    #3 Make sure the holes in the cage are not big enough that they will get their head stuck (degus=curious)

    Within in the cage you definently need a large metal wheel something they can't chew and wont arch their back when they run.  Always put new things in their cage that they can chew and climb like pieces of clean wood, stones, toilet paper rolls, kleenex box...etc (use your imagination).

    Another thing, feel free to get an aquarium as well a would suggest no smaller than 20gal.  Degus love to dig as well so you can get him to make cool tunnels and stuff but you will need to get a certain type of shavings or bedding type material that allows for tunnelling.

    This should help with the cage, if you have anymore questions feel free to ask

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