I was wondering if I would make a pretty good Deidara Cosplay. There are no pictures, but some basic info. ^_^
Age - 12
Gender - Female
Hair Color - Blonde
Eye Color - Blue/Blue Greenish
Height - 5'6
Weight - Around 107-108
Hair Legth (Bangs) - Alittle shorter than my nose.
Here is a Picture of Deidara - http://media.photobucket.com/image/deidara/amvcontestprizes/icons/Deidara-1.png
My hair has been growing really fast, so hopefully that will help my bangs (I don't know how to spell that ^_^') grow more, it's just I was alittle worried about that. By the way, I wanted to cosplay him for Halloween. So what do you think?
Thanks ^_^