
Deja vu dreams coming true is it a prophetical kind ?

by  |  earlier

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ive met this guy a year ago and almost everytime i met him i had a deja vu with him, and i remember them because they were dreams i had before and they came true. I dont know why this happened, he left now, but why would i have constant deja vu with a complete stranger for a year ??




  1. I have constatnt Dejavus and I wouldn't believe them to be prophetical, it takes years for a dream to become prophetical, if it where little dreams where i say something repeat and reoccurance at a place or certain movements and feelings. Its just your brain, maybe you just were attracted to him, I had the very same thing with a guy I was interested in.

  2. I've read about this on some Islamic website, they talked about whats behind deja vu and what triggers it, why some come true, how they come true, and so on. I suggest you look into the site, I forgot the name but you can easily google it.

  3. you will never know

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