
Dejavu or Coincadence?

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one day when we were doing speechs my teacher picked them out randomly

I closed my eyes and I saw a name and he picked that one

Then we were down to the last 4 I closed my eyes and saw an order or people

Then called out there names in that order but backwards

Example (Not real names)

May, Joe, Suzie, Rick < My seeing he picks out names

Rick, Suzie, Joe, May < Whom he picks

Explain this to me and

I see things and I remeber them happening before to me




  1. this is creepy. happed to me before. think it is just one of lifes mysteries

  2. that sounds just like me, thats de ja vu. Its when you see something in real life that you remember happening like in a dream or something. Its just many the many mysteries of people. It would be cool to understand how that works!

  3. That&#039;s not deja vu.  Deja vu is when you brain files a new experience as a repeated one - it hasn&#039;t actually happened before.  If you remember it happening in a dream, that&#039;s a memory, not deja vu.  If you predict it, that&#039;s a prediction, not deja vu.  Deja vu only FEELS like a repeated experience; it isn&#039;t actually one.

    If you can see things that are going to happen, try doing it more often.  Get a few friends together and have them all choose a few random numbers.  Write down  what you think they picked so they can&#039;t see it, and have them write down their choices.  If you get them right, congratulations!  No one else has ever been able to do this.  You&#039;re going to win the Nobel Prize (and a million bucks from this guy ).  If you don&#039;t get them right, yep, it was a coincidence.

  4. I don&#039;t think this is  de ja vu. I think that&#039;s when you think something or dream it...then later you feel like you&#039;ve done it before ..or been there before. Some people believe that you&#039;re remembering it from a past life. I think this is something psycic. Maybe mental telepathy. Maybe you&#039;re &quot;seeing &quot; what he&#039;s doing in advance. Or , maybe you&#039;re &quot;transferring &quot; your thoughts to him (unless he drew them out of a box or something) I&#039;m not an expert on terms for psychic abilities...but this seems right to me. Or else it was a coincidence. If it happens a lot...then it&#039;s not a coincidence. You don&#039;t HAVE TO go along with it and develop it if you don&#039;t want to. You can ignore it..and eventually it probably won&#039;t happen anymore. (This is what I&#039;ve found to be true from my experiences. I couldn&#039;t handle the things that were happening to me. It took a long time..but now things like that rarely happen to me.Or..maybe I&#039;ve closed my mind to it.)

  5. Go out &amp; buy a lottery ticket &amp; pick the winning numbers.   Sounds like you are able to predict things.   Try the lottery....Good Luck.

  6. Please see my extensive answer to this question on your duplicate post.


  7. de ja vu, Beyonce wrote a whole song about it

  8. De ja vu is when something happens and you feel like you have been there before, so it sounds like you are experiencing that, but it also sounds like you have a little phychic ability. Like the things that happened in class, Work on it and develop it.
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