
Del Potro v Murray!!?

by Guest60279  |  earlier

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I am really looking forward to this one!! Two young, very promising players both in great form playing off against each other!

But who do you think will win it? I am going for Murray but Del Potro is on the back of like a 21 match unbeaten run but I think this is a step too far for him-He must be shattered!!!

Also the Williams encounter! I think it is such a shame they have to play against each other so soon into the tournament-They are both demolishing their opponents and playing brilliantly-Finally they look like they are back to their best!

Who will win that one?




  1. murray

  2. well, they both have had a similar run at this open, they both won easily yesterday.-

    but i think juan martin is gonna win, that if he doesn't get intimidated by the stage of the tournament he's in, i mean he's never been so far in a slam, hope the lack of experience won't affect him.-

    about the williams sisters, i think serena will win, they both are playing amazingly but serena's always been better in hardcourts.-

    a true shame they have to meet so early!!


  3. Well usually i would say it would be tough for murray especially to get himself fired up after a very impressive performance against stan but i think he will be even more fired up to beat Del Potro especially after the wrangle these two had in the clay court season. I think Murray will want to prove a point against him. Expect alot of fist pumping and even perhaps an exchange of words.

    I'll go for Murray Coz when he wants to prove something he always gets very intensely fired up and I think Del Potro will have just abit too much too handle as Murray is'nt  just another top 30 player , he's actually one of the big guns and yes potro is on a winning run but they have'nt actually been against quality proven players.

    So it will be how long will potro's confidence hold and how long can Murray keep playing at a high intensity.

  4. Omg, I went to the Open yesterday and saw Potro play Nishikori. Then when Potro left the stadium, he came out with like 5 guards around him and he came within 3 ft of me and my dad. It might not seem cool to you but it was too me. I hope Potro beats Murray. I think he has enough skill to do it. Also, that would be a good match if they play eachother bc i herd once they were playing and when swithchng the coatr sides, they made nasty comments to eachother and started a small fight. Then during the middle of the 2nd set Potro just quit. Id like to find out more about this bc idk if its 100% correct.


  5. I think Murray 'should' win but you never know.

    And i think Venus will demolish serena, shes hitting the ball so well.

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