I have a friend who has absolutely no identification what-so-ever. Like seriously, I sent him to the store for cigarettes and he's like dude, I have no ID. So I suggested he go to DMV and grab a Driver's License. Long story short, after going back and forth between two DMV's he still couldn't catch a break.
They told him he needed his birth certificate and a social security card, both of which he doesn't have. Actually, all he knows is that he was born in Chipley, Florida and was raised by a woman who recently passed away. He told me that his adopted "mother" told him his biological father moved to Europe and never came back. I feel so bad talking to him about it, I mean I have both parents and live the regular american life.
How can I help him out? He's not even sure his real last name is Rossi. He's 19, and works at a Chinese food place, right down the street from his pad. He's used my computer for searching ancestry.com, with no luck. What can I do to help? What can he do?