
Delayed ovulation? Missed it? Grr

by  |  earlier

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So. I've been temp charting, checking CM, and cervix position AND taking digital OPKs. Lol! I've got a little scientific factory goin' on here! :)

Anyway, I've got 28 day cycles with Stage 2 Endo and have ovulated cd15 for the last three cycles with positives on the OPKs and thermal shifts on my charts.

Today is cd18 and no BFP on the OPK and no thermal shift. I've been taking the OPK at 7am and 5pm. Do you think maybe I missed when I O'd or for some reason just late this month?

I was under a ton of stress at work last week, but I've had a relaxing weekend, so do you think I'll still O? Is there still a shot? Or do you think I"m anovulatory this cycle?

PS We've been BD every other day since cd6 just to cover all bases! Lol...




  1. Doesn't look like you ovulated yet this month. All that stress may have made your cycle longer. There is still a chance for ovulation. Even with anovulation you would still have changes in hormone levels that will show up on OPKs. What would really help you out with correcting the endo and enhancing your fertility is maya abdominal massage. Check out the website for more info.

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