Let me give you a brief background, I am 16 girl, I have no criminal record, I don't even have any traffic tickets....Feb 08 me and my mother's house was raided by the Federal D.E.A. my mom was arrested at that time for some meth-amphetamine charges. I did use a lot of coke and speed [meth] when I lived in that small town with my mom. I have fled town and started my new and improved life in a large city, I no longer do any stimulative drugs, however I do smoke pot on a regular basis, I don't see it as a big deal, look down on me for whatever, I really don't care. Last month me and my boyfriend went back to that small town to see his mom and some old friends of ours, small town, news spreads fast, people were commenting me on my recent weight-loss and logically they figured I was still on drugs, false, I have been trying to take on a healthier life style[ I went from 155 lbs to my new weight at 135lbs]. The D.E.A. now wants me to take a drug test, what kind of clean outs could I use?