
Deleted Photos on Digital Camera?

by  |  earlier

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Is there any way to retrieve deleted photos on a digital camera?

Thanks! :)




  1. There is a way, Provided you don't Format your Memory Card, as they are still traces of the photos there.

    I had the same problem, i deleted my photos off my camera without saving them to computer.

    I used a program called Recover My Files. which did the trick  (Trial version)

    just download and install program >> then connect your DC with your memory card in it to your PC via usb >> start the program, and get it to scan your DC memory card.

    It will tell you once it starts finding jpeg files...

    Another program which is Free

    hope that helps


  2. I heard of a software which retrieves data from a memory card. It's called PhotoRescue. I got it from If you live in the U.S, it will cost you only 20 dollars. There are versions for both Mac and windows. The website has instructions on the system requirements and procedures. Hope this helps.

  3. Not that I know of.  The only affordable thing you could try would be to put it in a memory card reader in a computer and see if the photos are in the recycling bin.  If you want to spend a lot of money, I'm sure a company that does forensics would be willing to try.

  4. There is a way - expensive -  go to Jessups they will help you

  5. you can find some software that will dump the content of your card and will try to make sense of it.

    because jpeg files have a standard header it's easy to find the beginning of the files and because usually people empty the card often, the files are not fragmented.

    examples of soft:

    there are some free ones but i can't remember off hand.

    a related question here;...

    lists a free one but i haven't tried it.

  6. Nope!

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