
Deleted Question: Do Republicans label everyone who disagrees with them as Terrorists?

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Question Details: yep if we ain't with the dim bulbs than we must be with them fictitious super human fire retardant 19 arabs that came back from the dead to blow up WTC 7.




  1. Don't think so.

    Some were just street kids with lost sense of direction and purpose of life in making a mess out there.

    Just blunders and slip-ups with human errors with communication problems.

  2. I don't understand the remarks after the question.

    Yes, Bush and company considers anyone who disagrees with them terrorists.  That's why almost no one would stand up and oppose the Iraq war before it started, they were afraid to.  Bill Maher was fired from CBS for saying the terrorists were not cowards since they were willing to die for their cause.  He didn't agree with their ideology or actions but he was hung out to dry anyway.

    Bush even threatened the so call coalition counties saying we would bomb then if they didn't agree to side with USA and would give them billions if they would.  Some choice being bombed or being given billions.

  3. Do you label everyone who disagrees with you a Republican?

  4. I think this word has become more a joke and lost its literal meaning!

  5. "disagrees" is not the correct term for Republican retaliations, including using the national security system for official oppression by false labeling.

    Whistle blower, rather than 'disagrees' is a better description of Republican abuses of national security.

    Unfortunately simply asking for redress to grievances through elected officials is enough to be categorized a whistle blower when the grievance is crimes committed through the Republican administration.

    It appears that labels of terrorist suspect is used to rob, oppress, progressively mutilate and other sadistic techniques to protect crimes committed by Republicans.

    The label of traitor is used by Republicans to silence anyone speaking or questioning policies, actions or indeed crimes committed by office holders, particularly in the White House.

    You ask the question under Embassies, and US Embassies are certainly a Republican only club now in some countries.  A case in point is the Dominican Republic where only Republicans are allowed inside, the Forth of July traditional picnic for all US citizens in the country is a Republican party only, and the Embassy is used to retaliate against citizens other than Republicans who seek relief from crimes committed against them by US agencies and officials.

    So in general Republicans are badly misusing labels to oppress, torture and commit crimes against US citizens in the USA and Abroad.

    Crime protection is the purpose of these misuses of trust and authority.  

    Yes, it is illegal and unconstitutional.

    The Democrats in Congress and the judicial branch itself is no better, opting to ignore blatant crime, instead trying to retroactively decriminalize crimes already committed by officials of public trust.  So the problem of a criminal government is not purely Republican but subversion of law and oversight by all officials willing to go along with this state, Republican, Democrat, and Independents.

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