
Deleted Question: I haven't had a period for 9 months since I had unprotected s*x, and now my water broke. Do

by Guest62974  |  earlier

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you think I am pregnant?

I got a VN for this: reason: not a Q nor an A. I appealed; we all know how much good that does. Maybe I should have put it under Men's Health.




  1. She may have a point though, they really act like those vitamins are a big deal.  Maybe you could mainline some on the way to Labor & Delivery.  Good luck, name it after me?

  2. No, those are symptoms of polydactylism.  And as far as your water breaking, you should keep it in a plastic bottle instead of glass.

  3. I had a friend in high school years ago,

    who had been molested by some cousin,

    she was so naive, she had no idea,

    she was pregnant. She was on the chubby

    side and was always eating cakes, cookies

    & rootbeer, so no one noticed when

    she began to gain weight, not even her parents.

    Not everyone knows what is happening to

    them unless they get a good

    s*x education either at home or at school.

    I know that many men go through almost a hysterical pregnancy when their wife gets pregnant, but usually by the 3rd or 4th month it clears up and the hormones

    go back to normal, but I have read a few case files

    where a man has had a hysterical pregnancy,

    but this is usually brought on by a severe trauma,

    such as molestation or rape by a close family

    member and their hormones go into overload.

    If you are a guy, you won't have to worry about getting a period, because you have no uterus. And although you are not pregnant, you maybe have a severe round of sympathic pregnancy because a close female friend or relative in experiencing the joys or regrets of pregnancy.

    I stated it this way, because not everyone is

    thrilled with the notion of being pregnant.

    Many young women do not want to be tied

    down to a child, they would rather have

    a career first. And it is so difficult to find

    the right man who is willing to be

    the house-husband, instead of the bread winner.

  4. Mike is correct - either polydactylismism's(isms) <--- the correct medical term, BTW - or Chlamydia-istis.

    You baby will be born with 14 ears, 12 toes (painted a pretty shade of pink) and will need antibiotics right away.

    Good luck, my friend.

  5. I am, browsing through Gualeuaychu, Argentina and I see someone in the same situation as me???

    We should get together and compare notes...I, too, suspect pregnancy, but cannot be sure...

  6. I guess they felt that since you knew that your water broke, that means you knew you were pregnant and it falls into the category of "DUH!!!!"  so they deleted it.  My answer probably would have been.   "Ya, but not for long!"

    Yahoo deletes the weirdest stuff, even if you didn't post the question to be funny!  I had that happen.  Stupid trolls!  I am in the middle of appealing that one now.

  7. Think of it like I do...VN is better than VD.

    RdRed blockety block blocked.

  8. Don't call the plumber...that's what got you in the fix in the first place!

    Heh...My question didn't get deleted, yet:  "How long does it take to get pregnant after using a Home Pregnancy Test"....well, I suppose it will now.

  9. Don't feel bad 4 out of my last 7 questions were -10 points for me, I've seen a he!! of a lot worse than yours....   It's bu!!S**t . In fact I'm gettin some matches and I'm gonna burn the place down!

  10. what?!  are you a man or a woman???????

    is this a complete joke?

    if you are pregnant, then you are probably going to go in labor soon.

    But it's totally ridiculous since if you were pregnant, you should have had prenatal care, been on prenatal vitamins, had your regular doctor visits, ultrasounds, etc.

    otherwise quit wasting people's time.

  11. Geek - repeating myself is getting very tiresome. But I was quite proud of my previous answer, so here it is again:

    "You can't DNA test me if you can't catch me"

    You'd better give me Best Answer if we're going to raise this child together.

  12. no, you're not pregnant, you just pissed yourself.

    Why would you get a VN for this?

  13. Last time I said you weren't pregnant, this time, I've changed my mind and I think you are pregnant.  Say hello to baby geek for me when it gets here.  Do you know who the mother is?

    BTW:  Maybe we don't have to worry about VN's over here.  At least until the top reporters catch on.

  14. No...

    But you DO have a hideous alien creature with sharp teeth gestating in your colon...

    We'll name her Ally...

    After the actress Ally Sheedy...

    (For no discernible reason I can think of right now)

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