
Deleted posts?

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Why would Yahoo!Answers delete a post which does not go against any of their rules or community guidelines?

I just posted a question (no flames, no misspellings, nothing offensive, PG language) in the Religion category and it got deleted.

Does this mean someone reported the question just b/c they didn't like it ?? Or is there another possibility?




  1. yes anal retentive types

  2. It has happened to me and I have yet to get an answer from Yahoo.  Also, I posted a question using the term "******"  that rhymes with "maggot" and it was deleted.  I used the same term that was used in their news story, so go figure....

  3. There's really no rhyme or reason why they get deleted, I asked the question< What do you want most for Christmas?> back in December and it got deleted because it was a repeat question. But the question <what song is this?> can get asked 1000 times a day without being pulled. Yahoo is the web n**i

  4. There has to be a reason think about it

  5. Did you post it more than once? (in the same or in different categories?)

    Maybe it was a mistake? The removal, that is?

    Or perhaps it really WAS offensive and you just didn't realize it? Some well-intentioned questions come off as kind of offensive sometimes.

    I really don't know, because I didn't see the question you asked! Sorry. :(

  6. If you violated guidelines, you usually get a mail to tell you why. I got one the other day for flagging an offensive, rascist question. It wasn't a question or an answer. !!!!!!!!.

    So....who knows what goes on ????

  7. I got one of mine deleted too....but it was asking about jobs. All I wanted to know is which areas I should look into when I am 18, have retail experience, and am a college student. And after a couple days it was removed.

    I have no idea why it would be removed, unless there was some personal info on my age...but that doesn't seem like a valid reason to remove the question...

  8. I have been finding that people will report you for no apparent reason.  I think because they have nothing better to do.  It just happened to me today......jerks!
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