
Deleted some registry! and winsockfix backup wont work?

by  |  earlier

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so here's the story...

i was playing a game when the internet cable came out so i put it back in... the next thing i knew the internet was totally out... so after looking around for a solution to my 'broken DNS server c**p' (on another pc) i found somthing called winsockfix so i tryed it backed up the registry read the info and followed the steps in which it told me to insert an xp disk which all 4 of my pc's DIDN'T COME WITH!... so now im stuck here... ive deleted some registry not alot though and the back up dosn't work...

registry deleted



so heres what i need help with fixing the 'DNS server c**p' and the registry




  1. What'd I do:

    > take note of, then delete your network settings from your "network properties" option

    > delete the network controller (from device manager) and reboot

    > reinstall the network controller

    > reconfigure your network settings from your "network properties" option using your original settings

    check to see if the problem continues..

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