
Deletes my posts....acts sketchy!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so theres this guy who i feel really likes me always flirts with me..weve known eachother forever and have an amazing connection but weve both dated other people never realy dAted eachother because timing wasnt right..ect. sooo now weve been talking more then ever and he always wants to see me..( calls me all the time to chill) he is currently in a relationship with a girl whos OBSESSED with him. the day after he left her house he called me and we had an amazing conversation it seems like deep down he really likes me but is afraid to face it for some reason. he writes on my fb wall asking to hang out and i write him back...and one time HE DELETED MY POST...ACTUALLY TWICE HE DID!!!!!!!!! thing were going great but recently he just stopped texting me the past three days and contacting me just when i was starting to get the feeling he really liked me he backed off. what the h**l is he thinking...and why does he delete my post? he doesnt delete other girls posts!!!!!




  1. Probably because yahoo told hm to delete your post

  2. he's flirting with you and likes you.

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