
Deleting my xbox 360 hard drive?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i want to delete everything off my hard drive because im planning on moving country and my xbox 360 needs to be sold here before i move, when i arrive at the other country i will buy a new xbox 360 and hard question is can i delete everything off my hard drive before i sell it?

There should be no information left on it because i dont want anyone else getting my information off it, will this be true?

And when i buy a new console and hard drive can i put all my information back on it like achievements, downloaded contents etc?

Can i use the same name too or will i have to start over with a new account and pay for new membership again?

Also can i put all my information and account onto someone elses hard drive (for example, me and my boyfriend may decide to share the same hard drive and console)?




  1. no you can't buy a new console and all of a sudden have all of your stuff back. your easiest solution is to detatch the harddrive on the one you have and buy a new one. keep the harddrive from your old one and when you buy a new one simply swap the drives out. it's nothin but a push of a button. then sale the one that came on the new one. this way u got rid of your old system, bought a new one, and still have all of your stuff.


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