
Delhi Commonwealth Games 2010: A mixed Depiction of stellar Performances and Controversies

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Delhi Commonwealth Games 2010: A mixed Depiction of stellar Performances and Controversies
As the Delhi commonwealth games event ended, the foreign athletes, officials, spectators and media correspondents set back to their homes. Interestingly, despite of the fact that the tour was marred by certain controversies, many of them were really sorry
to depart India.
The tour particularly made an overall positive impact upon the media personnel, as they were not only there to cover a multi sport event, they also had been on a land which has its own attraction for the outer world.
The controversies regarding corruption, nepotism, procrastination, bureaucratic and managerial incompetence about organizing such a large event went on the back foot when Indian athletes depicted an impressive performance, ending with the second highest
medals during the event. For many of the media correspondents, this sort of performance from the athletes of a developing country, particularly from the women, was rather amazing.
The first positive impression upon the international media was made by Saina Nehwal, who made it to the gold medal in women’s single badminton tournament. The medal achieved by the girl helped India past England on the medal table. This was perhaps a massive
achievement for the hosts of the event. With India finishing up as second on the medal tally, it has sent a message about its emergence as a power at big sports events in the future. A marvellous finish at Delhi commonwealth games have raised the hopes that
the country would finish among top 10 at the London Olympics which are going to be held in 2012.
Previously there had been a perception that India was a country full of contrasts, interestingly the perception proved to be quite right as despite of being under one roof, inside the air conditioned and carpeted halls observers noticed huge divides among
the local spectators.
The contrasts prevailed in administrational matters too. The event had an overall negative perception among the international spectators, but India started it off with a world class and impressive ceremony, which was soon plagued by the news of damaged stadium
grounds. As the games proceeded, the country once again came back into the news amid the performances of its athletes and for making successful efforts on war footing to do with the incomplete arrangements and to tackle with the managerial issues which had
eventually surfaced. During that time, the efforts of the volunteers who had been ready to offer any kind of help were particularly worth noticing, on the contrary there were graceless dignitaries constantly trying to get closer to the Indian medallists.
An important concern with the arrangements was there with the security matters. Though world’s largest army had tried to make fool proof security arrangements, but they were hectic as well for no foreign visitor felt easy with them. The policy of over protection
followed at India created the feelings of fear among the visitors vividly highlighting that allowing India to host any other event would be risky matter from security concerns.
The Delhi commonwealth games event highlighted both, the obsession of Indian high official with the security matters as well as the performance and potential of the Indian athletes. The world had also witnessed that despite of much efforts on Indian side,
one billion people of the country did not show the interest into the event which it has always preserved for the sport of cricket. If India plans to bid again for the commonwealth games event as well as for the world Olympics, it must have to ensure a change
in the way the events need to be staged.
Another controversy which was observed during the visit to India was that Indian politicians still follow the old policy of grabbing the glory and shedding the blames, rather putting them onto the people that are least concerned with that. This practice
must be changed while a sense of responsibility on part of authorities should clearly be depicted in their actions. This would be rather a better way to win the confidence of the world and of their own citizens’ as well.



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