
Delivery Truck Drivers In the USA Drive Lexus cars??

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Sure, your economy is horrible. People who should be making minimum wage driving a delivery truck are making like 100,000 per year.

Ragbir, a delivery truck driver, said he is looking to trade in his Lexus LS 400 for a smaller car. Poor guy.




  1. Why is a truck driver supposed to be on minimum wage?

    It calls for concentration, patience, self control and skill particularly on the semi's.  If he is hauling dangerous goods he needs specialist qualifications. I get fed up with people making uncalled for remarks about people who keep the countries of the world running. If you drove up to 15 hours a day in a big rig, at the end of the week you'd be demanding more than the minimum. What's more you'd deserve it!

  2. Maybe Ragbir's wife is a nurse?  Maybe Ragbir is in debt up to his eyeballs?

  3. what parallel universe are you living in? People who drive delivery trucks certainly do NOT make 100,000 a year.

    Ragbir is lying.

  4. So just because someone owns a Lexus, it means they make 100,000 dollars a year?  

    I think not.  My best friend's sister is a college student, with a 9 dollar an hour part time job at Starbucks, and she drives a Lexus.  An older one, but it's a Lexus.  

    And most delivery truck drivers work twice as hard as your average stuffed-shirt a##hole sitting in his corner office having meetings and power lunches in some stupid building all day.  They work long hours in a more hazardous environment and provide a more important service to society than half the self-important middle management suit-and-tie types, too.  

    If anyone deserves to make 100K a year, it's the people who actually pound the pavement and work in the trenches making society function.  Truck drivers of all types are paid well but for most it's hardly near 100K (it can be done, though).  Wherever you live, I'd like to see what you'd have to say if they DID lower the pay for delivery truck drivers to minimum wage.  No one would do the job, except illegals and 16 year old kids.  I bet you'd just LOVE sharing the road with a bunch of 16 year olds in control of a 10-ton vehicle who didn't take their jobs seriously.  

    Seems to me like you're taking out personal vendettas on a Y!A member whom you don't like....but let's not insult an entire segment of the working class while we're at it, kay?

  5. The LS 400 is actually quite an older model, not worth much!!  My sister is a truck driver and she drives as much as she can, with a partner, and they can't make 100k together, after all the gas and repair expenses.

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